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New Product Intensive

Identify and prioritize new products that align with your business goals.

What's next?

Without a clear strategy, every idea seems like a good idea.

For our teams, it’s not a problem of no ideas; rather, it’s too many ideas, and we’re not sure which are the best ones to pursue.

Sound familiar?

We can’t afford the next product to fail.

We're struggling to determine which ideas present the best opportunity for new products.

Prioritizing the flood of potential product ideas seems impossible.

Our competitors seem to be introducing more relevant and timely products.

Our product pipeline seems stagnant, with few promising new opportunities.

We're not effectively addressing emerging market trends or customer needs.

Identify and prioritize new products that align with your business goals.
New Product Intensive

Is your product portfolio in need of a rejuvenation? Are you faced with a flood of ideas but unsure which to pursue? The New Product Intensive guides you from idea to roadmap—identifying and prioritizing new products that align with your business goals.

Revitalize your product pipeline with a refined focus on the best opportunities. With a focus on market trends and customer needs, you'll be poised for growth and innovation.


CEO, CTO, head of product, product managers


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New Product Intensive


Applied Learning

Applied Learning

L-E-A-P: LEARN and discuss the current situation, EXTEND with a tool or method, APPLY to your product or market, and ensure adoption with a PEER REVIEW.

Quartz Open Framework

Quartz Open Framework

A planning process centered around continuous learning to guide from idea to market.

What You Get

Define Your Product Strategy
Define Your Product Strategy

Define a product strategy. Identify your strategic opportunities, the ideal target customer, your competitive differentiation, and how you will measure success in a Product Strategy Canvas.

Focus Your Strategic Initiatives
Focus Your Strategic Initiatives

Focus on the best product strategy options. Use a repeatable process to help you focus your product strategy on the initiatives with the best chance of success.

Commit the Resources
Commit the Resources

Present the business case and roadmap to gain funding to build the product.

Identify Strategic Options
Identify Strategic Options

Explore multiple ways to identify potential strategic initiatives, including the Product-Persona matrix, Lifecycle vs Market Position, and Situational Growth Strategy Matrix.

Validate Your Product Strategy
Validate Your Product Strategy

Engage the market to validate your product strategy and its market potential to get the data to prove the business case.


Free Resources

Product Team Health Check

Take the Product Team Health Check to profile the current state of your product team.

Spend 5-10 minutes answering 20 questions to help identify areas of strength or chaos in your product team.

We promise a salesperson will not pounce on you when you take the assessment. Your responses are confidential and we will email your results.
9 Steps to an Effective Product Strategy

Learn the most important steps to stay relevant to your market and add value to your organization.

Many organizations complain they lack a product strategy.

What's next?

Get a free Product Health Check for suggestions on your next steps.

Want to learn more? Set up a video call with one of our coaches to see how our guidance can help you.

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